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Fall High Point Market Highlights

Category: Seasonal Living Blog.
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Fall 2021 High Point Market was such an exciting time for all of us here at Seasonal Living. It was a great feeling to see so many people returning again.

We were busy almost the entire time meeting with new and existing customers, the halls were bustling with activity, events were back on tap [ see more about our own with Ethos Design Collective’s members, below ] and the overall feeling was one of optimism and happiness.

For us the most positive business aspect of our time at High Point Market was selling out our entire first shipment of our indoor/outdoor Provenance Signature Collection. It was designed for us by internationally renowned interior designer/builder Laura Muller of Four Point Design Build – shown above with Seasonal Living CEO, Gary Pettitt.

The Provenance Signature Collection was first introduced via sneak peeks during our magazine’s Virtual Designer Showhouse experience last December.

It was the first virtual showhouse of its kind to included augmented reality, and was rendered for us by Jenna Gaidusek’s eDesignTribe team, consisting of Sarah Durnez and Annilee Waterman with assistance by Lauren Jenkins Brantley.

Two 3D rendered images from Laura’s design of the outdoor living area in the Virtual Showhouse are shown below.

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SL Blog Laura

Our Provenance Signature Collection was then exhibited for the first time in person at last June’s High Point Market, where the large indoor/outdoor MEDITATION dining table was Stylespotted by one of 2021’s official High Point Market Stylespotters, Justin Shaulis.

Our Meditation Rectangular Table received recognition from HPMKT Stylespotter Justin Shaulis

If you weren’t able to attend June or October High Point Market, this video of our High Point Market showroom will help you experience, see and understand the materials used in our Provenance Signature Collection.

During this Fall’s High Point Market, it was our INGOT fire table, artisan crafted out of hand hammered copper, that got Stylespotted by Breegan Jane.

Breegan: if you are seeing this post > thank you! It was wonderful to meet you in person and we look forward to seeing you again soon.

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Another exciting moment came for us at this Fall’s High Point Market came when we hosted Ethos Design Collective’s MIX and MINGLE launch celebration event on Sunday afternoon.

Ethos Design Collective is the world’s first search engine where consumers can go to find VETTED luxury interior designers to hire. Find the link to their site at the end of this post.

We were one of 5 High Point market exhibitors to host one of their launch celebration events, and we were happy to have their members in our showroom and to support the luxury interior design community in this way.

L to R in the images below:

Laura Muller with Kelly Starks Schellert. Kelly is a luxury interior designer from St. Louis, MO and the founder of Ethos Design Collective. Laura was one of the first five members of Ethos Design Collective.

MI based interior designer, Melissa Frederiksen with Seasonal Living CEO, Gary Petttit, and TX based interior designer, Ilse Benard.

Seasonal Living Magazine’s editor in chief, Leslie Carothers, CEO of Savour Partnership, and photography expert for interior designers, Linda Holt. Leslie is also a founding advisory partner to – and investor in – Ethos Design Collective. Chicago based Jennifer Hyman is in the background.

NYC based Robin Baron, President of Robin Baron Designs. Robin was a participant in – and sponsor of – our magazine’s Virtual Designer Showhouse.

She was also part of the round table conversation, “The Future Of Design: From Virtual Showhouses to The Metaverse” filmed by Jaipur Living in the Jaipur Living showroom at this Fall’s High Point Market, another Ethos Design Collective launch celebration event.

[ Note, with the exception of Linda Holt and Jane Dagmi, all shown below are members of Ethos Design Collective ].

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More Ethos Design Collective members who joined us for the MIX and MINGLE event:

L to R:

TX based Jessica Duce, NY based, Jennifer Lynn Tampasis, TN based, Elizabeth Hudson Scruggs and MA based, Wendy Woloshchuk.


We were happy to have Jane Dagmi, editor in chief of Designers Today magazine, pop in for a visit, too.

Here Jane is shown visiting with Ethos Design Collective member, Sharon L. Sherman. Sharon is the owner of New Jersey based Thyme and Place Design and a Past President of ASID – New Jersey. Jane featured Sharon’s work in the current issue of Designers Today, in the article, “A Cellar Turns Stellar.*

Don’t miss it over on designerstoday.com.

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Our guests were served delicious cocktails including a delicious Aperol Spritz and handmade seasonally flavored (maple pecan & spiced pumpkin) cupcakes topped with beautiful buttercream flowers while enjoying seeing old friends and meeting new ones.

We loved the high energy and invite you to watch for more coming up next Spring with Ethos Design Collective as we expand our space in Interhall.

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As mentioned above, another Ethos Design Collective launch celebration programming event was hosted by Jaipur Living, who was also a sponsor of our magazine’s Virtual Designer Showhouse.

Jaipur Living hosted and filmed a round table conversation in their High Point Market showroom, moderated by Showhouse co-principal, Leslie Carothers. Guests included our CEO, Gary Pettitt, and participating Showhouse designers and Ethos Design Collective members, Arianne Bellizaire, Robin Baron and Laura Muller.

It was a High Point Market highlight for us to be included in this important conversation. It now lives on Jaipur Living’s YouTube channel permanently.

Find out what it’s like to participate in a Virtual Showhouse – especially the challenges – and in the last 25 minutes of the video, find out what the financial opportunities are for your businesses in the metaverse, whether you are an interior designer, a manufacturer or a retailer.

We invite you to watch it here:

We were also excited to be able to hand out print copies of our Fall 2021 edition of Seasonal Living Magazine – our 15th issue – to our visitors, featuring the work of interior designers, Amy Kartheiser, Robyn Scott and Stephanie Larsen.

Watch this fun teaser video we created for it to get a sneak peek of what’s waiting for you inside, including this seasonal recipe for a savory fall pumpkin soup in an edible bowl. Don’t miss it!

See the entire Fall 2021 issue of Seasonal Living Magazine here: https://seasonalliving.com/seasonal-living-magazine

We also invite you to get your complimentary subscription to the magazine now, by clicking on the link below, so you’ll be the first to see our Winter 2021 edition, coming out December 21st.

You won’t want to miss our detailed article with top tips on how you can create a spacation in your home for wellness as we enter 2022.


Also, when you subscribe, you will immediately get our mini *bonus mag* as a free download, with our top tips on how you can design a beautiful indoor/outdoor living space on any budget – sure to be useful if you’re considering a remodel of your indoor outdoor spaces in the New Year.

Lastly, if you’re an interior designer reading our blog, and you enjoy 3D rendering, we invite you to enter our new Seasonal Living Design Challenge, in partnership with the eDesignTribe.

This is your chance to win a VIP trip to Spring 2022 High Point Market and a 2nd and 3rd prize of a $500.00 and $250.00 dollar Amazon gift card, respectively.

Get all the requirements, eligibility and rules information on this link to the #SLDesignChallenge landing page on our website:


Don’t forget to tag us on Instagram, @seasonal_living_trd, and use our tag, #SLDesignChallenge, when sharing your entries online.

We’ll be resharing some of them on our Instagram feed at https://instagram.com/seasonal_living_trd!

We can’t wait to see your creativity on full display and look forward to announcing our winners in February of 2022!

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As always, thank you for reading and subscribing to our blog and magazine. We appreciate you and look forward to seeing some of you again at the hospitality focused Boutique Design New York show [ BD | NY ] in New York City this month at Javits Center, Nov. 14 and 15th, where we will be exhibiting in booth 1907.

In its 11th year, BD | NY will be co-located this year with ICFF [ the International Contemporary Furniture Fair ] and WantedDesignManhattan. It’s sure to be an exciting visual and networking experience for those of you who can make it.

Use our promo code 10302 to register for your complimentary BDNY pass on this link:


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Please know how much we appreciate each of you [including our sales representatives] who have supported our business during these past 17 years, but especially over these past two difficult years.

To have had the sales we’ve had for our indoor/outdoor Provenance Signature Collection is unprecedented for us, and we look forward to showing you our expanded collection at next year’s Spring 2022 High Point Market.

The Team At Seasonal Living

Gary Pettitt
CEO and Founder
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The link to Ethos Design Collective – the world’s first international search engine where you can find VETTED luxury interior designers to hire to help you with the interior design of your residences or commercial properties:


The link to our landing page for the Special Showhouse edition of Seasonal Living Magazine, available for you to tour 24/7, no email required:


The link to our landing page for our Provenance Signature Collection:


The Design Continuum Journal