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ENJOY! Seasonal Living Magazine Summer 2021

Category: Seasonal Living Blog.

 Summer 2021 Edition of Seasonal Living Magazine

The Summer 2021 edition of Seasonal Living Magazine is here!

Happy 4th of July weekend! We are excited to bring you the Summer 2021 edition of Seasonal Living Magazine to enjoy!

To get a sneak peek of what’s waiting for you inside, click on the arrow in the middle of the video below.

For those of you new to our company and perhaps not yet familiar with Seasonal Living and Seasonal Living Magazine, let us take a moment to explain.

Seasonal Living [ the company ] is a manufacturer and importer of indoor/outdoor furniture, lighting and decorative accessories. We’ve been in business 17 years.

We sell our furniture to residential and hospitality specifiers around the world via a trusted network of distribution partners. We do not sell our furniture direct to the public through our website. However, for anyone interested in purchasing our furniture, they are always welcome to contact us directly at sales@seasonalliving.com so we can facilitate a quick and positive purchase experience through one of our valued distribution partners.

Seasonal Living Magazine is our company’s consumer facing lifestyle magazine which is now 2.5 years old and in its 13th edition. It’s a digital magazine, produced quarterly, and subscriptions are complimentary.

Our magazine’s mission is to inspire people the world over to live more in harmony with the four seasons. Each season’s edition brings our readers and subscribers inspiring images, videos, music and articles on all things seasonal related to Design. Food and Recipes. Wellness. Entertaining. Travel.

Our readers love our Food & Recipes section. In our new Summer 2021 edition, you will find this delicious grilled Peaches and Tacos recipe.
As the tagline says: JOY MEETS GRILL and it’s true!

This recipe is easy, delicious and perfect to make for your families and friends over this July 4th weekend!

Find it right now by clicking this link: https://www.seasonalliving.com/seasonal-living-magazine and flipping to page 10.

Peaches and Tacos recipe from Summer 2021 Edition of Seasonal Living Magazine

We also publish the work of interior designers in each issue. Some of the designers we publish have used our products in their designs and others have not. Noone pays us to be featured in our magazine [ a question we get frequently ].

By the way, if you’re a designer reading this, and you have a gorgeous modern indoor/outdoor project you would like us to consider for publication, please submit your high resolution editorial quality photos [ that we would have permission from your photographer to use] to editor@seasonalliving.com.

In this new Summer 2021 issue, we were thrilled to feature the work of San Diego’s Mark Stocker Design on the cover, as well as feature the story of this gorgeous home inside.

To see more of Mark’s colorful, art filled design for his La Jolla based client now, click on https://seasonalliving.com/seasonal-living-magazine and flip to page 23.

San Diego interior designer Mark Stocker Design on the cover of the Summer 2021 Seasonal Living Magazine

We also featured the work of Miami’s DKOR Interiors in this issue, owned by interior designer Ivonne Ronderos. Don’t miss seeing the kitchen in this stunning condominium – and can we talk about that view?

Click on https://www.seasonalliving.com/seasonal-living-magazine now and turn to page 27.

DKOR Interiors featured in the Summer 2021 edition of Seasonal Living Magazine

In each issue, we also invite articles from guest contributors, and in this issue we asked Meredith Zaretsky Weiss, a kitchen and bath designer in New York City, to write about her favorite hobby – roller skating – for our Wellness section.

As many of you know, roller skating has seen a huge resurgence in popularity this past year, and Meredith’s article is full of useful tips and a terrific SPOTIFY playlist to get you rolling!

Click on https://seasonalliving.com/seasonal-living-magazine and flip to page 15 to listen now!

Summer 2021 Edition of Seasonal Living Magazine

In every issue, we also share with you our favorite ways to travel. For our Summer 2021 edition, we’re taking you RV glamping across the USA!

Don’t miss our map with all of the best luxury RV *glampgrounds* on page 3!

And don’t miss reading about San Diego interior designer Rachel Viloria Moriarty’s fun and fabulous redo of an Airstream for her client that loves to travel this way.

Rachel Moriarty's redo of an Airstream for the Summer 2021 edition of Seasonal Living Magazine

And because we’re the publisher, we also share some of our own new products in each issue. We can’t wait to see our new ARCHIPELAGO in-pool chaises in YOUR pools – coming this fall and early 2022. We’d love to see how you use them!

Please tag us in pictures at https://instagram.com/seasonal_living_trd.

Best In Pool Chaises for Seasonal Living

In addition, our new *Provenance Signature Collection by Laura Muller* can be seen in this issue by holding your phone over the QR code, but if that’s not convenient, you can read all about it by clicking on this link now:



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We hope you enjoy the new Summer 2021 edition of Seasonal Living Magazine.

And if, after reading it, you’d like to get your own complimentary subscription, you can do so easily by clicking on this link: https://www.seasonalliving.com/bonus-mag.

When you subscribe, you’ll immediately get a link to download a 2nd free mini-version of our magazine, too, shown below with an indoor/outdoor sectional from our FIZZ collection shown on the cover.

Perfect for summertime fun!


As always, thank you for reading our blog – we appreciate your time and hope you have enjoyed this peek into the Summer 2021 edition of Seasonal Living Magazine.

One last note:

For those of you reading who might be interested in becoming a distribution partner of ours, we’d love to have you in our network and invite you to apply by clicking on this link:


Once approved, you will receive an email from your area’s representative letting you know you’ve been approved. Once approved, you will have access to your own private customer portal on our site, where you will be able to check in stock inventory, 24/7. This is inventory ready to ship from our Dallas area warehouse now. We ship globally.

Again, thank you. We appreciate each and every one of you. We wish you a safe and Happy Fourth of July weekend.

The Team At Seasonal Living
Gary Pettitt, CEO

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