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Seasonal Living Magazine Spring 2021 Is Live!

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We are excited to bring you the beautiful new Spring 2021 edition of Seasonal Living Magazine for your viewing [and shopping!] enjoyment!

For those of you new here, welcome! Let us take a moment to explain Seasonal Living Magazine.

Now in its 12th edition, it is a consumer facing digital lifestyle magazine, published once each quarter.

It has a devoted audience of design loving consumers and interior and hospitality designers who enjoy perusing and shopping its pages at their leisure.

The mission of Seasonal Living Magazine is to inspire our subscribers to live more in harmony with the four seasons of the year through stunning imagery, videos and articles on all things Indoor/Outdoor Design. Wellness. Food & Recipes. Travel. Entertaining.

In each issue, we feature the work of two to three nationally known interior designers and articles from two guest contributors who write on a variety of topics for us.

Our magazine maintains the highest editorial standards and no one pays us to be featured. In addition, the designers we feature do not have to have used any our products in their work to be featured.

Seasonal Living Magazine is complimentary and when you sign up for your subscription, you will immediately receive a link to download our mini bonus edition, shown below, “How To Design Great Indoor/Outdoor Spaces On Any Budget.*

If you’d like to do that right now, before you read further about our new Spring 2021 edition, please click this link:


Seasonal Living BONUS MINI MAG COVERNow, on to what’s inside our new Spring 2021 edition. As you can see from our table of contents, we have all kinds of interesting articles for you to enjoy.

You won’t want to miss reading about the Merriwood Sustainable Community, being built now in Maine. This development is incorporating the concepts of flexibility, sustainability and wellness – the three concepts that informed the design of our Luxury Virtual Designer Showhouse.

And speaking of our Luxury Virtual Designer Showhouse, we’ve included in this issue stunning still images of the rooms each of the 11 designers  designed, so you can see at a glance the artistry that went into this monumental undertaking.

Did you miss walking around the Virtual Showhouse and touring it with your mouse in 3D? If you did miss it, and you’d still like to do that, click here.

You can view it 24/7, no email is required and there is no fee.

Now, what else is inside the new Spring 2021 issue? Here’s a peak at our Table of Contents and below this is a fun video for you to watch about it, too.

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One of the articles we are most excited for you to read is by our guest contributor, interior designer Tiffany Cassidy of https://www.lagnappe.com.

Tiffany lives in the US Virgin Islands, her daughter is a competitive sailor and she knows all there is to know about how to charter a sailboat for a fun, safe and gorgeous family vacation in the U.S. Virgin Islands. Her article led to our striking cover image.

Don’t miss Tiffany’s top tips for your sailing vacation, starting on page 4,  here.

Our most popular feature is always our food and recipe section, featuring mouth watering seasonal recipes for you to make at home.
For seafood lovers, this Spring’s * Linguine Langoustine With Roasted Tomato and Garlic Sauce* is sure to become a favorite. It’s delicious!

If you try it, please take pictures and tag us on Instagram at https://instagram.com/seasonal_living_trd.

We’d love to share your images of it with our 30,000 + followers with live credit back to you!

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We always like to give you a few fun *shoppable* items that we’ve selected for you in each issue, and this one is no exception.

You can click any image and be taken straight to a link that will let you purchase that item quickly.

If you purchase that item from our magazine, we do make a small commission, but there is no increase in the cost of the item to you.

It is the merchant’s way of thanking us for featuring their products in Seasonal Living Magazine.

We have to admit, we are fond of the colorful lucite backgammon set for indoor/outdoor game time fun – are you?

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In this issue, we’ve also announced our first licensed collection in collaboration with a nationally recognized professional working interior designer!

Laura Muller, principal of the Los Angeles based design/build firm, Four Point Design Build – an internationally recognized and award winning design/build firm and past President of the American Society of Interior Designers, Los Angeles chapter – has designed a stunning collection for us that reflects her dedication to wellness in design and her signature clean. fresh. modern. style.

It’s a perfect alignment for our brand and we can’t wait for you to see it all!

You will be reading much more about the Provenance Signature Collection by Laura Muller for Seasonal Living in a future blog post, but to whet your appetite, here is a sneak peek of her SERENITY occasional ceramic table.

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Availability of the Provenance Signature Collection by Laura Muller for Seasonal Living will be Fall 2021, and if you’d like to get an early start on ordering it, or seeing it at #HPMKT, please contact your sales representative now.

Find your sales representative and their contact information on this link on our website:


Please note: we sell our products through our trusted network of interior, hospitality, landscape designers, retailers and architects, but not directly to the general public from our website.

If you’re a designer/retailer/architect and you’d like to open up your account with us, where you can check in stock inventory in real time, please click: https://www.seasonalliving.com/sign-up.

And if you’re a consumer interested in purchasing from us, we invite you to use the Retailer/Showroom locator on our site, here, or to contact your designer or architect directly.

We hope, if you’re planning to attend June #HPMKT, that you will stop by to meet Laura and see more in our exhibitor space, Interhall – 506.

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As always, we appreciate it so much when, you, our readers, help us spread the word about Seasonal Living Magazine, as so many of you have done.

If you’re new to our blog and you’d like to share the link to it, too, because you think your own friends would enjoy it, here’s the URL to copy and paste into your newsletters, blog posts or anywhere online you’d like to share it.

Remember, it’s complimentary and no email is needed to view it, 24/7.


And again, if you don’t yet have your own complimentary subscription, get it here: https://seasonalliving.com/bonus-mag

You won’t want to miss our Summer 2021 issue, coming out in early June, packed full of bright, colorful design ideas, delicious recipes, and fun tips for summer vacationing!

Lastly, thank you for being our loyal customers for the past 17 years of our company’s existence.

We love producing Seasonal Living Magazine for you to enjoy, along with offering you our 5x Arts Award winning line of modern indoor/outdoor furniture, lighting and decorative accessories.

We appreciate each and everyone of you.


The Team At Seasonal Living

Gary Pettitt, CEO
CEO and Founder
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