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Category: Seasonal Living Blog.
6 Designers Using Seasonal Living's Products In Their Indoor Outdoor Rooms

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BE INSPIRED! We are so excited to be bringing you this post featuring 8 of the interior and/or hospitality designers who have specified from our indoor/outdoor furniture collections for their clients.

We are so appreciative of all of the interior and hospitality designers around the world who have specified our indoor outdoor furniture, lighting and decorative accessories over the past 17 years. We would not be where we are today without their support and we hope you, our readers, will enjoy meeting these 8!

We have also linked to their websites and Instagram feeds and invite you to get to know each of them by visiting their sites and following them on Instagram.


First, we’d like you to meet San Diego interior designer Mark Stocker of Mark Stocker Design.

Mark specified several items from us for this stunning home he designed in La Jolla, California, including our curved FIZZ indoor/outdoor Grand Royale sectional along with lightweight concrete tables from our PERPETUAL collection, both shown in the image below.

Visit Mark’s website by clicking this link https://www.markstockerdesign.com and follow him on Instagram by clicking this link  https://instagram.com/markstockerdesign.

See more of this colorful coastal home in the upcoming #Summer2021 issue of Seasonal Living Magazine, and another home Mark has designed, as well!

Outdoor living area in La Jolla, designed by Mark Stocker, featuring Seasonal Living outdoor furniture

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Going to the opposite coast now, to Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, interior designer Dawn Elise Hamilton, President of DawnElise International Interiors, Inc. specified a custom volcanic stone dining table from our ETNA collection for her client along with occasional tables from our CERAMICS collection.

We featured more images from Dawn’s breathtaking project in a past blog post, which we invite you to read in its entirety by clicking on this link:


We invite you to see more of Dawn’s design work by clicking on this link to her website:


and we invite you to follow her on Instagram by clicking on this link:


An outdoor living room featuring the Etna dining table from Seasonal Living by DawnElise Hamilton

Up in New York, in Duchess County, interior designer Valerie Grant Interiors recently completed this outstanding project, which has already been featured in two national magazines.

Valerie specified one of our hand hammered copper fire tables from our INGOT collection, sure to keep her clients warm as they enjoy entertaining their family and friends during the upcoming fall season.

Valerie also wrote a blog post showing before and after images of this home, which you can read by clicking on this link:


We invite you to click this link to follow Valerie on Instagram, too:


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Still up in the Northeast, but this time in the Boston area, interior designer Rachel Reider of Rachel Reider Interiors completed this colorful project featuring a lightweight concrete table with reclaimed teak base from our PERPETUAL collection.

Styled by Stacy Kunstel of Dunes and Duchess and photographed by Michael Partenio, this project showcases Rachel’s love for all the hues of blue.

We invite you to click through to Rachel’s site here: http://www.rachelreider.com, to view more of her work and to follow her on Instagram, here:


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Miami based hospitality and residential interior design firm Studio IDC designed Allamanda, an outstanding private estate home, available for rental, in Jumby Bay.

We featured this home in a past issue of Seasonal Living Magazine, which you can see by clicking on this link:

The Studio IDC team commissioned a custom sized lightweight concrete table with reclaimed teak bases from our PERPETUAL collection for this estate home, which you will see in beautiful detail in the video below from their website.

We invite you to follow Studio IDC on Instagram by clicking on this link:



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Houston based hospitality designers, Ladco Resort Design Group, are well known for their work in the Cabo area of Mexico.

We featured this project of theirs in an early issue of Seasonal Living Magazine which you can see by clicking on this link:


The turquoise blue of our ANCARIS occasional table from our CERAMICS collection is a perfect counterpoint to the colorful textile the Resort Design Group team chose for the comfortable chairs.

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In this video interview with Lynn Yellen, one of the owners of Ladco Resort Design Group, she shares how her firm got started designing so many properties in Cabo.
It’s fascinating to listen to one of the most successful women in the hospitality and design business share these details.

You’ll also see many more images of properties Lynn and her team have designed, featuring our collections.

We are grateful for their support over all of these years.

We invite you to visit the Ladco Resort Design Group’s website by clicking on this link:


and we invite you to follow Ladco Resort Design Group on Instagram by clicking on this link: https://instagram.com/ladcoresortdesigngroup

Miami, FL based interior designer, Ivonne Ronderos, principal of DKOR Interiors, will also be featured in our upcoming Summer 2021 issue of Seasonal Living Magazine.

Ivonne’s firm, DKOR Interiors, is well known in South Florida for designing stunning modern interiors for her clients that reflect their desire to move seamlessly between indoor and outdoor living.

Ivonne and her team often specify our indoor outdoor furniture in their projects and we appreciate their business.

We invite you to visit DKORw Interior’s website by clicking on this link, https://www.dkorinteriors.com and to follow DKOR Interiors on Instagram by clicking this link: https://instagram.com/dkorinteriors

Indoor outdoor living room designed by Ivonne Ronderos of DKor Interiors, featuring Seasonal Living furniture on the balcony

Lastly, is this stunning project completed by Las Vegas based interior designer, Cary Vogel.

This project has an interesting backstory.

Cary specified our OCEANS rope dining chairs from our EXPLORER collection [ along with our SENZA lightweight concrete dining table and our LILY PAD ottomans ] for his client, and then his client had a very special custom request of us.

We were able to fulfill this request and the clients were so happy, they contacted us to share pictures they took of how it turned out and gave us permission to use them in a blog post, which we did.

You can read the entire blog post by clicking on this link [ notice the custom wrapped rope column – their special request! ]


We invite you to follow Cary Vogel on Instagram by clicking here: https://www.instagram.com/cary.vogel

Custom wrapped column in the outdoor living area of Joshua and Heidi Friedlander utilizing Seasonal Living furniture

We appreciate every interior and hospitality designer that specifies from our indoor outdoor furniture collections and look forward to doing more features like this on our blog and in the pages of Seasonal Living Magazine.

And if you are a hospitality or interior designer reading this, please tag us on Instagram at https://instagram.com/seasonal_living_trd . We are always happy to repost your work featuring products from our collections.

Lastly, if you are one of our valued designer or retail partners coming to June 2021 #HPMKT, we invite you to please come in to see our latest new collection, the *Provenance Signature Collection by Laura Muller for Seasonal LivingĀ®* in IH -506 [ Interhall ] and to pick up your print copy of the new Summer 2021 issue of Seasonal Living Magazine.

If you aren’t able to attend, but would like to have one of our sales representatives contact you for an appointment to show you our new *Provenance Signature Collection by Laura Muller for Seasonal LivingĀ®* and other new items we are introducing this year, please get in touch with us at sales@seasonalliving.com.

If you’re not coming to #HPMKT but would like to subscribe to Seasonal Living Magazine, we’ve made it easy for you to get your complimentary subscription by clicking on this link:




Once again, we thank you for your support. It means everything to us as we go forward in 2021, working to bring you the best in indoor/outdoor furniture, lighting and decorative accessories for your homes, offices, and hospitality venues.

The Team At Seasonal Living

Gary Pettitt, CEO
CEO and Founder
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