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  1. Best Eco Friendly Indoor Outdoor Dining Table Olympus From Seasonal Living

    One of the questions we are asked most frequently is, “How do we care for the waxed concrete surfaces of the furniture we bought from you?”

    And because Salt Lake City lifestyle blogger, Instagram influencer and Mom of 2, Cara Loren, just partnered with one of our retailers, Kathy Kuo Home, and chose our beautiful waxed concrete surface dining table and bench for her family’s dining room, (shown above and in the image below ) we thought this would be a good time to share the answer with Cara – and with all of you who might be reading this.

    First, we want to say thank you to you, Cara, for falling in love with our sustainably made dining table and bench (with reclaimed teak wood bases), and showcasing it so beautifully in the images you shared on your blog, one of which is shown below. We hope you and your family enjoy many happy memories there in the years ahead.

    Before we share with you how to take care of our concrete furniture, it’s important to know how it’s made, and why it’s so important to follow our *How To Care For* information — as it will help you get many years out of enjoyment out of the beautiful, silky *venetian plaster* like waxed finish that distinguishes our concrete furniture collection from other concrete furniture in the marketplace.


    Our concrete tops are made from 100% natural, biodegradable ingredients making it a very popular choice for anyone concerned about sustainability.

    The tops are made of:

    1. Ramie: an ancient plant, used for bonding and strengthening the material.
    2. Portland cement: the highest quality cement available. (Some people mistakenly think that cement and concrete are the same thing, but they are not).
    3. Clean water.
    4. Pure sand.

    The plant, ramie, has been used for various purposes for thousands of years, and is now widely used in concrete home construction in developing countries, too. One of its more unique applications?

    FYI: The cat mummies shown in the image below are not real ones, the real ones were too gruesome to share, but if you do a search on Google, you will find where real cats were mummified, using ramie – which shows you just how long lasting and durable this plant material is for modern day uses.

    The surfaces of our tables are naturally waxed, giving them the lustre our customers love – versus being coated with a synthetic chemical ingredient as some other tables are.

    Why do we have them waxed vs. coated w/synthetics? Because concrete is a living natural material which will continue to naturally expand and contract  – one of the reasons concrete can never be 100% permanently sealed if it is to be used outdoors. And because of their waxed surfaces, they do need a bit of special care to insure they don’t stain.  Sealing and protecting is so very easy and quick.

    Here is what you need to know about how to care for our concrete furniture:

    1. Every time we ship a piece of our concrete furniture, complete care instructions are included along with the sealer. Apply the sealer immediately upon receiving your table. It’s an easy 5 minute process to apply the sealer; follow the instructions and you will be all set.

    2. You will need to reapply the sealer once a quarter or so. Again, it’s an easy 5 minute process to do this, and you can buy extra sealer from us, by clicking here.

    Seasonal Living's Concrete Table Sealer
    There are a few other things to know about caring for our concrete tables, too, demonstrated in the images below by our fun cartoon characters, Barney and Dean, also found in our online catalog, here.

    As you can see, it’s important to clean up spills very shortly after they occur, even when your table has been sealed regularly and properly. The sealer doesn’t prevent staining, its purpose is to give you a little bit of time to mop up, before the spill has a chance to cause a permanent stain.

    Be sure to remove anything that could stain your surface permanently, as soon as it’s possible to do so – especially red wine or other acidic ingredients.

    For safety’s sake, you want to make sure you don’t allow your guests or children to lean against, or sit on, the concrete surfaces of our dining tables or bar tables.

    And, in the winter, if you live in a climate with extreme cold and you are using our concrete furniture outside, which many of our customers do, you will want to make sure and cover it with BREATHABLE vs. WATERPROOF furniture covers.

    How To Care For Waxed Concrete Furniture
    Now that you know how to care for our concrete furniture, we hope any of you that have purchased concrete furniture from one of our retail partners, like Cara Loren has, will enjoy it for many years to come.

    Here are a few more pictures from Cara’s beautiful new *boho chic* dining room.

    If you’d like to get Cara’s look for your own homes, we invite you to click and buy our concrete dining table and bench from our retail partner, Kathy Kuo Home (who has a special discount code for you!!), here. 

    As mentioned above, click here to purchase our recommended outdoor furniture covers. We recommend them because they come with a 7 year warranty, the reviews are excellent and they are breathable vs. waterproof.

    This fellow Texas based company, CoverMates, sells their outdoor furniture covers on Amazon and if you purchase from this link, you can use AMAZON SMILE, and if you’re a member of PRIME, you can also get free shipping.

    Please note that if you purchase from our link, we will make a small percentage at no additional cost to you. It’s Amazon’s way of saying,”Thank You” to us for recommending that you purchase these outdoor furniture covers from them.

    Lastly, we also invite you to see this blog post on the latest issue of our luxury lifestyle magazine, Seasonal Living Magazine, by clicking here. Our FALL issue is focused on Paris and features interior designer Mary Douglas Drysdale’s beautiful work on the cover.

    If you don’t have a complimentary subscription yet, and would like one, please sign up now by clicking here. When you sign up and confirm, you will also immediately get your free BONUS ISSUE: *How To Create A Beautiful Indoor/Outdoor Living Room On Any Budget.*

    Again, thank you! And a big thank you to you, Cara Loren, and all of our customers who might be reading this, for choosing Seasonal Living to grace your homes. We appreciate you.

    The Team At Seasonal Living

    Gary Pettitt
    CEO and Founder


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